Quid Pro Quo (The Administration 02) by Manna Francis


When he agrees to do a favor for his old friend Liz Carey in Corporate Fraud, Para-investigator Val Toreth is hoping for a simple case. After all, kidnapping and dismemberment are all in a day’s work for the Investigation and Interrogation Division. But in the European Administration, simplicity is often a dangerous illusion, and anyone who goes looking for trouble in the corporate world is certain to find more than they bargained for. Fraud, sabotage, espionage, blackmail, decades-long vendettas, and murder–the more powerful the corporations, the darker their secrets. Corporate insiders and innocent bystanders alike are all too easily caught up in the conflicts, but when suspects can hide behind money and power, what chance is there of any justice?

And on top of everything else, Toreth also has to deal with Keir Warrick. But that’s easy. That’s just sex.

A shadow of a city skyline blurs into a picture of a room where the roof has caved in. Lately, I’ve been in bit of a reading slump where nothing could hold my interest. Even good writing—such as in Codex Born by Jim C. Hines—left me without any inclination to say a word and thus unable to review.

But this book, it was like a holiday. It made me giggle, squee and restless in my seat. Not restless as in to stop reading and do other things but restless as in “this is too good to keep to myself—I have to share!”

The actual story of Quid Pro Quo is only about two hundred pages long and a half of the book I read, and the rest is filled with snippets and short stories set in the world and after the mystery. The procedural drama part is very dry but fits Toreth’s character development nicely while Warrick is mostly absent. The short stories, however, focus solely on their relationship and its development. This soothed my shipper heart and lust filled expectations.

Toreth. I love that morally questionable bastard and so does Warrick. Of course both men are too stupid to admit their feelings and are actively fighting succumbing to true intimacy. I don’t think Toreth even realises he has the tools for an adult relationship that includes more than sex. Warrick does and he’s choosing to run away.

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5 Responses to Quid Pro Quo (The Administration 02) by Manna Francis

  1. One of my favourite m/m BDSM series, this one. Tremendous characters who make sense and a plot that more often than not makes me engaged. I am so glad you liked it as well 🙂

    • rameau says:

      It’s a bit light on the plot most of the time, but I don’t mind. After the first two books, it’s all about character exploration, and I love those characters.

  2. heidenkind says:

    I love this series as well. I stalled out at Quis Custodiet, but this one and Games and Players are my two favorites.

    • rameau says:

      I can see why, though, I prefer Quid Pro Quo over Games and Players. I just finished Quis Custodiet… and the abrupt ending managed to ruin the following short too for me. After building up that completely believable confrontation, without Warrick’s point of view, the resolution was unsatisfactory. I wonder if it’ll be addressed later on.

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